
today i wake up....first thing sure is online check mail....when i reading,i feel moody again...coz i thinking why i so bad...why i make 我爱的他,他也爱我的人心痛。。。伤心,难过。。。我觉得自已很过分,很无理取闹。。。我该怎么办???我。。。无话可说!!!我是个坏女孩。。。

everyday hv something is changing....n happening.....same....today finish class after go buy something burger be dinner....so after dinner go taman sit n chatting with fren...n wait lao gong call me....after i really chat alot with lao gong also vry happy...but lao gong feel i not concentrate....

i speechless now....i with my fren laptop there hv take a drama but no nice is boring....i ntg do again...

1 則留言:

Edwin Siew 提到...

No body is prefect..... Laopo.... Dun sad d...... U are always the best for me..... Muack.....