
I hv one day din update my blog ady...today mood not bad so write something lah...haha...
yesterday class really is like shit...the junior like never hv class very noise,finally make our leature scolding whole class...really is stupid they noise,scold we....so yesterday also din teach anything coz no hv text book....so yesterday i whole day watch movie....din online...so didt chat with lao gong...feel something no yet do...but my fren use broadband...i shy to borrow....so i morning reply lao gong email only...blog also no time update....

So for today is friday...hv same class at afternoon.....today i late go classroom,when i arrive so junior siting my place....i was so angry...coz in the class so much ppl  no place more....so i voice vry big asking my fren want sit where,and keep say our place giv other ppl sit ady....after they say yesterday they din come today come early so sit our place....but they no hv mean want change place lol.....walao,at the moment i really ASK....& WANT scold they lol....but finally they also wake up change place coz we got so much senior help us....all use angry eye to see they...hehe....so we win,we sit back our place....hehe.....Today class leature giv our note n explain what is business operation....so finish class i with my roommate go computer lab online...

i was wait lao gong online but he are sleep....finally he online we chat few min only my college is want closed....so we by walk back our hostel....N my other housemate is going carrfour buy food of tonight dinner....i noe hv curry chicken...n more more more...hoho....yummy yummy....slaver also following down....i can image tonight i sure will full n full n full.....haha.....tomorrow i with my classmate six ppl hv plan go Pulau Ketam....wah,tis sat morning go sunday afternoon only back...yea!
