
today 10 n half am go sch....coz today start class....actually not start class lah jz go take time table n hear leature sing song...(mean say so boring thing)....haha...but they jz take half n hour finish all d thing...n call us can back ady...feel sien lol they...haiz,when i saw the time table i was feel sad coz no day for off,i week full day hc class but lucky is class only 2 hours if not sure die...haiz,so today at sch saw  my exam for tour leader result is come out ady...my result is 57%,but i dunno full mark is how much....n i was the high mark at tis time exam,i feel so surpirse lol....haha,anyway pass is ok ady...i no need scare again...haha

so i with my housemate go Bintang(mean here supermarket name)but chicken,coz we wan do mama chicken...haha...so finish buy all thing we go eat lunch...actually is can call breakfast coz no yet afternoon but nvm lah is near also..haha

after finish eat,we back home prepase dinner....n clear room....n watch movie....today i cry...coz watch a movie tat story is so touch....make me tear is follow out...haiz...long time din cry lol...today giv movie make me cry...lose ar....haha...

finish watch movie,i go kitchen help my housemate prepase dinner,today dinner vry 丰富 hv chicken,soup,vegetable,pork...so hv six ppl eat....so finish eat we go downsit d 公园walkwalk....at there for night the feel more good i hope fast back i can bring him go visit....when i finish walk back home i saw my phone got 4 miss call...take a look is lao gong....hehe,i noe sure is lao gong miss me lia,so i fast borrow my fren brondband online find lao gong chat.....hehe,today we also chat alot....we chat so much topic....hehe.....but when i hear lao gong say next year he will back at march i was so happy but sad is he 毕业典礼at july...haiz....dunno see how 1st lah...so now vry late lia,i also wan go sleep ady coz tomorrow hc morning class n if i late sleep lao gong will sit 13 hours n back malaysia da my pipi...haha.....(jk)

so at last i wan copy lao gong word again,wan happy,happy together...wan sad,sad together....muack..i love u lao gong
