
today sleep until afternoon only wake up....after finish lunch,we go da yi house coz her son marry...today hv party need prepare so much food....but when we reach da yi house she not here,so we go find er yi...she house vry near only walk also can arrive but we drive car lah...coz weather vry hot,i no wan pengsan at road lol....haha

so few min we n er yi together come da yi house again....i vry bad...i jz put my mummy n er yi helping da yi prepare thing,N i bring my sister n brother go jusco shopping...N we go jusco eat bao bing...coz weather so hot...need ais....haha,i really bad o...laogong teach me d....we shop also hv 1 hours more only come back....haha...but when we back they still prepare....i jz stay n see...haha

finish thing we only back home....we reach home also is 4 pm more...so we take a bath n wait dad back after go da yi house again....N today lao gong call me again...hehe,so happy siow siow lia...everytime hear him sound heart also will smile...hehe...tonight at da yi house d party jz normal chatting,joke eat n drink...haha,my dad keep call me drink arak lol...haha...he blur blur lia,say wan buy car giv me leh...haiz,i noe tis jz is he mabuk say d...haha,anyway i noe he sayang me...haha...when i finish see the marry pic...haha,i jz can say the pic is ugly N funny...the pic can make me laugh until tear also come out lol...haha..siow lia,i dunwan when i marry the pic also like tat....

today is 'bao zhong zi jie'....so hv to pray bao zhang to god....until i so no yet eat my mummy bao d leh....hv ppl say tis year more nice that last year i really hope fasted can taste it....tomorrow hv to wake up early..haiz...but is happy thing nvm lah...haha...today until here....i love u lao gong ^^
