
today afternoon hv a tour leader exam,but yesterday i 3 or 4 am only sleep.....hehe,coz cannot sleep so chatting vry fren until vry late....but at they next morning i also vry early wake up....about 10am more....but i hv a angry n a happy thing,acutally is same thing but can make me happy n angry....coz at morning about 7 more....my lao gong call me,he vry got heart call me to wish me at the exam but angry is tekejut me....coz the phone suddenlly ring....haha....happy is even he at ovesea n our time is not sama....but he still wait n call me,i really vry touch....so finally i din scold him,coz i feel touch he call me.....

recently vry chat alot,i was happy but i feel sorry for lao gong....coz waste him money,until finish......

about today exam....tis sch really is world shit college....paper also lazy change,jz use last years paper foto copy giv us only!!!so u ask me can skor A anot...i dunno lah,but i jz can say maybe will pass lol....tis exam is 3 hours but i jz use half hours finish the paper....haha,i not the 1st ppl leave the class still hv ppl more early leave lol...hehe....

And i got a thing make me so happy so touch is lao gong help me do assignment....i really is surpise,before i though him jz help me search....but him help me do...haha,i was happy coz i no need do n i also dunno do....hehe....i dunno how to thk u,jz can more love u.....muacXxxx.....

So now hv to wait next morning exam,tat is london paper is vry important....but at tis few day ntg do n i also din back home town....so i will follow my roommate back Johor....hehe

recently i really feel lao gong hv some change....but i dunno how to say out!!!tis jz a feel....n lao gong bcoz me cry again....i always make lao gong cry,haiz....i'm bad gal !!! about lao gong say wan go paris d disney....i really so excited wan go....coz Paris is a vry romantic place....i can image i with lao gong will hv so much sweet memory at there........so wait lah...wait he back for london...wait he start him work....wait him marry with me....haha (jk)
so today upload blog until here....the end !!!!
