
wed exam finish....hehe,feel happy....but monday still hv a exam waiting me,tat exam more important coz tat is CTH london paper....haiz...but i wish myself can luck at tis exam...pray hard!!!

At 2010/06/11...is thursday....coz finish exam last day so after go enjoy & relaxat green box with classmate n roommate....actually we want go watch movie d....but full ady,cannot booking....so we change plan....so afternoon we only go out from our house arrive sungai wang green box about 2pm more....
but green book is full,so we change go red box!!! So we hv five ppl go...say true i not so enjoy at red box,coz there speaker is broken.....really is make us no mood....haiz....so abit crazy abit down mood.....haha,time pass so fast 3 hours pass....we at 8:30 finish singing!so after we go toilet restaurant....hehe,the food is not bad...jz the restaurant abit small.....so after dinner we also ntg do ady,so time for back hostel....jz tat....

2010/06/12...today 10am more wake up coz hv to prepare go johor yong ping....i follow my roommate back home town....so after take breakfast we go bukit jalil take bus go johor yong ping.....we take 2 hours more only reach yong ping....when arrive my roommate call her mum call fetch us back home....but back home few min only we go out again....we go batu pahat mall....is my roommate d fren come fetch us....the shopping centel is vry big but inside vry less shop....so we go watch movie...be4 watch we want go eat dinner,coz we think vry long time dunno want eat wat.....finally we choose food coun~ eat....at there vry man fan....i dislike...haiz...finish eat we wait the at cinema....wait so long time....haiz...finally can go in watch tis movie....'The karate kid' the movie is nice.....but abit long coz in cinema is cold....we feel cold in cinema 2 hours....haha,when finish movie we fast fast come out....so we go eat 沙嗲 n chatting....
come johor hv a good thing is i meet new fren again,and they all vry funny....so we chat so long time....now only back....

recently got much thing happen....my facebook album suddenlly hilang!!!n so much unhappy thing.....hope after i can be more luck!!!but also got some happy thing...happy thing almost all is about lao gong!!! N recently got much surprise about lao gong chat with him ur mum d topic...also hv at fb i change my relationship married with lao gong....got much ppl wish us....haha,feel happy but i feel i vry shy....hehe
hv much thing happen but i forget ady,so when i rmb only write at here again^^
