
surpise.....yea,today is monday but i will update my blog really is surpise.....
haha,actually is i borrow my roommate broadband....coz i noe my lovely lao gong always will update my blog....so i want giv him a surpise.....hahah

tomorrow is mid team exam starting first subject is finance.....i most scare tis subject...haiz,i hv to hard hard working to study tis subject....
today morning got class,after class shing ning bring her sis go sungai wang shopping,qian yi following....but i din follow coz i say i want study...but  when i lonely i no heart to study...haiz,so jz now take a nap....hahha,sleep again....n have a funny thing,when i during hv a call is my dear fren mick tan call want ask me something,when i answer phone i dunno is my sound problem or wat he will guess i was sleep jz now,and he say why everytime he call me i also sleep....i jz hahahah.....coz the answer is mean im pig everytime sleep....hahah

lao gong.recently hv some much sad thing bad thing happening but i believe it when u bck all will automatic settle....till hv 43 days more,wah...so fast u will back....haha.so how u ass?haha,my ass also no yet start do....but i believe self will finish soon....lao gong i dunno want to say wat again,i also noe long distant is not easy...other problem also is not easy to settle....so wait u back ok...muack

recent i will unhappy,even my fren saw my fb state also keep asking me wat happen....actually is ntg jz feeling moody....n up sad....but i think hv a thing can help me happy back.....tat is shopping....we spend money buy other love thing is most happy that all kind thing.....hahah

so finish exam i plan go shopping my new cloth...n bck home town meet my lovely dear fren....n family~yea
enjoy holiday!
enjoy shopping!
enjoy life!
