
yesterday is my happy day...coz CTH result is out, actually i was scare the result but at the morning get my fren call say i pass all subject i really is so surpise n happy...really is thk god n lao gong be4 i exam help me alot...also hv to thk my lecture last min do alot revision with me...n thk mick too...coz he is my study group member...

i really is happy...dunno hw to explain...but i feel say coz my family not beside me,my lover lao gong also no beside me...i dunno want share wit who...haiz
when i noe my result i tell my lao gong 1st,n suddelly mummy call me asking me something n i tell her tis good news...hope tis sems also will pass...i really scare finance...marketing i think i not problem must read alot...n destination luck change lecture ady so maybe will pass too...
coz be4 tat lecture i langsang dunno wat she teaching...haha....

after tis happy news,i hv o start scare scare ady....actually mid-team not important but i also hv to try my best to do it...see my level until where...where till not understand hv to start asking lecture....

today is a boring day~
