
yesterday edit pic until 3am more only sleep,but today hv to wake up early....
today morning 7am more giv a call disturb i wake up....when see my phone tat number is ah kor,
so wake up brush teeth,wake up go eat breakfast.....my breakfast is normal mee only but ah kor say vry famose o....but i no think so...hahaha

afternoon go be4 tat i vry like d thai food there eat redang chicken....walao,nice but dunno y maybe is second time eat so think not special already.....so after tat shing ning bring me and qian yi cut hair....haiz,sien lo my hair jz like be4 no new style no special....haiz,i vry my hair now vry be vry ugly.....shit man.....hope my hair can fast fast long back.....so after we go buy three "bao" and we bring the "bao" go until the shoe shop we beside road and stand at there eat our "bao".....vry difficult to image the moment is how funny....three gal hand take a "bao" n stand beside road eat....haha.....finish eat i go buy shoe....

finish all the thing back home take a bath,after will go pray n go eat dinner.....haha
so after we go eat "row mee" , "fu zuo mee" ,n i also dunno the food call wat name....
finish eat we go pray....after go yam cha....after will home....now online again.....haha
