
recently i was tired....
coz many thing make me tired.....
haiz,i maybe really is i think too much or wat....
hope time can pass fasted,coz i really dislike exam.....
i wan sleep,i wan my bf sayang me....i wan he hug me now.....
i miss he so much...
haiz,finish exam hv trip....after trip hv to final exam.....n write report of the trip.....
can God giv me a time for rest?
y recently so much thing happen.....
i vry pressure....
pressure to all the thing....i really scare i cannot tahan.....
i long time din cry ady....
i till is kid,y i hv to pressure everything...
i really tired....i want sleep...
if i really sleep down,can i wake up again???
i also not sure....
my mind always thinking bad thing....but i must corrent all....
i will try my best to do my self....
i need help,but dunno who can help me....
only u....but recently u giv me too pressure....i really is tired....
i noe u also dislike tat feel....i noe u cannot contral....but say true i really is tired to say tat topic!
i speechless at tat topic ady....
i want all my family,friend n my baby lao gong happy only....
i no wan thing other thing more.....i jz wan happy....i really thing recently me din like me....haha...
i also dunno wat i taking about....siow lia....
thk all my fren ,my family n baby vry caring tat feel giv me so touch....
i hope they always can like tat with me....

2 則留言:

Edwin Siew 提到...

bao bei wat bad thing u think bao bei.... i noe i give u too much pressure... i am sorry.... wat topic u speechless laopo.... dun worry.... wat u dun like i dun wan mention at all.... bibi.... actually my life and your life also very easy only..... in my life i wan u and my family happy.... in your life is same.... wan me and family happy.... muack....

bibi pls.... anything speak to me... u still remember our promise ?? tell every thing to other.... muack... baby i love u.... i promise u.... i will make my best to give u hug and love as fast as i can.... muack..... hope u will see this comment and noe wat i think also....

匿名 提到...

baby,i finish read ur comment....baby i really dunno wat happen im?i feel vry pressure at recently....i rmb our promise....everything i also tell u ady...but i dunno y...i look like lost my road....i dunno i hv to do wat only will make my family n u happy...or anything....seriously baby i was so tired....i really miss u i really u can beside me....i need u hug....baby,even now i look like happy but when i lonely i will start thinking....thinking wat i also dunno...baby...everything i tell u ady but i more hope everything is u beside me n i no need tell...baby...i speechless d topic is ah kor n u lo....i at middle vry xin ku....