
yesterday i very happy,coz i sms to my lao gong
and he get it.after i also got chat with lao gong
after he go cook dinner so i also din disturb he!
For today original i want go out with BC eat breakfast with
him after accompany he go see doctor and go school...
but now all no lia,coz i wan at home wait lao gong
online i no wan go out more!haha...lao gong yesterday i
din eat dinner...haha lao gong no angry o!muack
today u start class lia lo...after u will less online i wan meet
u more diffcult!haiz...tis year i is no mood to celebrate CNY...

1 則留言:

Edwin Siew 提到...

laopo thank for doing help me doing so many thing.... lao po SO THANK you.... lao po u have to enjoy your life at klang... if free accompany your mummy or if u dun mind and free go visit my parent also... laopo i love u wor....