
So far few day din update my blog,coz my hostel no hv internet....sad about tis....cannot online
everytime day home,i sure will update my blog....coz hv a " stupid " sha lao want to read....haha,no need think more n see other...it is u lah...for tis moment only u read my blog...haha....

dunno hv to say it...tis be4 few i was so down.....until i think tat not is me again....
vry sad vry unhappy vry bad mood all the bad thing...
so now all is pass...
in tis few day was happening so much problem,but nw is settle...
ok...no say sad thing more....

say back today y i will at home,y i will back.....coz tmr is holiday n tmr is my lao gong d ah gong ah ma 50 years anniversary so hv dinner n tmr night i will attend too....haha...but i scare i will boring so i must make my self wont boring in the dinner...i hope i will do it as well...haha...coz haiz i also dunno hw to say most important is bcoz lao gong not beside me...i dunno lah....i must enjoy it....wish myself good luck....

i was so boring i giv my fren FFK again...izit i not important in their heart or they actually dislike me or any reason...haiz,i was sad nw coz afternoon i call them,them is busy doing facial so i din disturb i told they call me back when they r free....until nw night ady 9:21pm...i no yet get any call....
i speechless...i was no idea to say anything i also no want call they back n ask they y din call me....
i really no want to noe it....mayb will less contact so be come hv alot secret to each other....

after will busy ass,exam....so pressure....haha...but hv a happy thing is till hv 70 days lao gong will be bck malaysia....is count out is 2 month 10 days only....i really believe time is pass so fast,when think back look like yesterday i only cry bcoz he want fly to london....haha...

Alamak,nw i hva big problem is i fat leh...chinese new year is soon....i no want fat fat more....
i want keep fit,i want eat less....i must gambateh do it....
but o....haiz....i must control.....must do it....
n i no yet start buy my new clother,i want slim slim....i want be pretty gal...
i want be new me....i really hope i can change any style or look...hope hv different....
today jz tat...
