
today skip class early back home...haha,coz sick few day ady vry suffer vry tired....
early back home also ntg do,but unleast can feeling home is warn...haha....
the feel is nice....
time is passing.....hv alot thing also will following change....ppl also change....
but i feel i till same...din change anything....if got maybe is my body size lo....be big/fat....i also got think want change d...but how to change n change wat????i really dunno....
my hair long again....i want cut a new style,wat style suitable me....i hope will get some comment...haiz......
i want change my life....
hahahah....siow lia lo,alot ppl say me fat again,actually i also got tis feel...haiz sad lah
how leh....
but i really is less eat ady....but i dunno how come be more fat....siow siow lo.....i really scare when u back i also fat fat like now i really will vry sad d lo....haiz....how how how?

today ntg plan after will go see doctor coz want take MC letter....haha
after tis got alot plan dunno will do it anot...actually i want go watch movie,but no ppl accompany me....sien lo...2mr plan is night go yam cha with kor kor.....next sat green box help shing ning celebrate birth....next week more is plan go pulau babi besar,after still got sunway lagoon go with sch d,after still hv to shopping with fong choo buy chinesa new year new clother....after till hv a 1 day trip of sch....wah,i appointment is full ady.....full planing....hahah....but after tis all is exam....haiz,die lo.....kakaka
