
today is 中秋节,
so 中秋节 快乐Happy Mooncake Festival ♥....
tis year vry boring vry pity ar...no celebrate with lao gong n family... 
coz study problem hv to alone at ampang...haiz!
yesterday got celebrate with housemate,we hv even BBQ....
but actually no vry fun...so sien....no mood
yesterday i jz wait eat...
haha,my roommate shing ning BBQ chicken wing n fish bola giv me eat....
haiz...recently hv to busy prepare exam,next week exam ady but time table no yet come out....
slow slow slow....
what my life so sien so boring.....fasted exam lah,
i want relax....
recently i feel i so pressure...but i dunno i pressure wat...kaka
i miss u lao gong....
i want find a ppl accompany me chat also no hv....
i want shopping fa xie but no money...hahah.....
life is boring,pressure,tension....
i want a easy life....i want happy....i look like long long time no hv happy feel ady....

*p/s lao gong when u read tis,no worry me...i jz too boring feel sien ....so blur blur write alot thing...actually i also dunno wat i writing!haha...i love u baby lao gong muack....^^
